11 am – 5 pm
11 am – 5 pm
William Henry Fox Talbot, Nelson's Column under Construction, Trafalgar Square, London, first week of April 1844, printed later. Salted paper print from a paper negative. Courtesy of the Wilson Centre for Photography.
A foremost expert on the history of photography’s first decades, Hope Kingsley, Curator, Education and Collections, Wilson Centre for Photography, presents a fascinating in-depth overview of Salt & Silver: Early Photography, 1840-1860. This major traveling exhibition provides a rare and extraordinary chance to experience some of the earliest photographs ever made, by many of the most important and groundbreaking figures in the history of the photographic medium. Organized by the Wilson Centre for Photography, London, with the Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, CT, Salt & Silver: Early Photography 1840-1860 is on view at the Santa Barbara Museum of Art September 8 – December 8.
This event is sponsored by the Lorna Hedges Lecture Fund.