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11 am - 5 pm 

Someday we’ll find it... An evening with Keith

Someday we’ll find it... An evening with Keith
A Conversation with Keith Mayerson and reception to follow at Santa Barbara Museum of Art

Keith Mayerson, Someday we'll find it, the Rainbow
Connection, the lovers, the dreamers and me
, 2023. Oil on
linen. Santa Barbara Museum of Art, Museum purchase with
funds provided by Kandy Luria, the Luria/Budgor Family
Foundation. © 2023 Keith Mayerson.

Keith Mayerson, Me in the Proust Room for our 40th Birthdays, 2010. Oil on linen , 22 × 30 in. (55.88 x 76.2 cm). © Keith Mayerson. Courtesy the artist and Karma.

Mary Craig Auditorium | Family Resource Center

For telephone assistance, call 805.884.6423

Free Students
$5 SBMA Members
$10 Non-Members

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As part of, Inside/Outside, an exhibition of recent acquisitions, Keith Mayerson will join us for a conversation about art, uplift, hope, and how his paintings reflect on the still-to-be-fulfilled promise of this country.

Whether the Muppets, Grand Canyon, or Stonewall Uprising of 1969, Mayerson takes iconic subjects and personalizes them through his choices of color, brush marks, highlights, and shadows. Because of Keith, we see these familiar subjects anew. The recently acquired painting, Someday we’ll find it, the Rainbow Connection, the lovers, the dreamers, and me (2023) is about promise and potential. The hero of the story, a frog, pedals away from the swamp on a journey to California as he forges a new life.

Keith Mayerson's paintings, drawings, and graphic novels have been shown in dozens of solo exhibitions at such locations as Karma Gallery, New York; Museum of Contemporary Art, Cleveland; and Marlborough Contemporary, New York. Mayerson’s work was included in the 2014 Whitney Biennial and the Whitney Museum’s inaugural downtown show, America is Hard to See (2015).

This event and reception are supported by Kandy Budgor; Luria/Budgor Family Foundation.

Keith Mayerson’s, Someday we’ll find it, the Rainbow Connection, the lovers, the dreamers, and me (2023) was acquired thanks to the support of Kandy Budgor; Luria/Budgor Family Foundation.

For tickets, call 805.884.6423 or follow the link here.