$300/350 SBMA Members
$350/400 Non-Members
Week Two - June 23 – 27
Ages 7 – 9
Santa Barbara Museum of Art
1130 State Street
Dive into the world of 3-D art and animation by creating multimedia characters and mini-sets inspired by works of art on view in the Museum’s galleries. The handmade sets will be used to create individual frame-by-frame stop animation films. The project process sparks creativity, teamwork, and storytelling, while exploring the powerful connection between sculpture and film.
Instructor: Jason Summers
$300 SBMA Members
$350 Non-Members
Capacity 10
Ages 5 – 6
The Club
632 East Canon Perdido St.
Spend the morning in the clay lab learning the basic techniques of throwing pottery at the wheel in a fun and relaxed environment, making simple clay forms, and experimenting with surface decoration and glazing techniques. After lunch, focus on multimedia re-made projects that combine, reuse, and repurpose materials into unexpected works of art inspired by the Museum’s collection.
Instructors: Carlos Bardales and Luna Vallejo-Howard
$350 SBMA Members
$400 Non-Members
Capacity 16
Refund Policy
Please email to cancel an enrollment. Full refunds will be given for cancellations made four weeks prior to the class start date. Future camp credit will be offered for cancellations made two weeks prior to the class start date. No refund will be provided past the four-week date.