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Virtual Travels: "Armchair Travels" Online Lecture by Dr. Rocky Ruggiero

Virtual Travels: "Armchair Travels" Online Lecture by Dr. Rocky Ruggiero

Rocky Ruggiero
Rocky Ruggiero

Travel from the comfort and safety of your own home to all corners of the world with SBMA's Armchair Travel Lecture Series! 


"Michelangelo: The First Modern Artist"

March 18, 2021, Thursday, 10:30 am  |  Dr. Rocky Ruggiero

Register Here

Dr. Rocky Ruggiero has been a professor of Art and Architectural History since 1999. His online lectures on subjects ranging from Ancient Art and Architecture through the Italian Baroque are extremely popular with an expansive worldwide audience, yet this lecture will be exclusive for SBMA Members and travelers. Join Dr. Ruggiero on an exploration of Michelangelo, who ushered in a new interpretive style. Dr. Ruggiero will be the study leader on an SBMA Tour in Italy in 2022.



Free to SBMA Travelers and Members