11 am – 5 pm
11 am – 5 pm
Lucy Raven, Curtains (detail), 2014. Anaglyph video installation. 50 min looped, courtesy of the artist, © Lucy Raven.
Mary Craig Auditorium
$15 Non-Members
3D: Double Vision (on view at LACMA through March 31, 2019) is the first American exhibition to survey a full range of artworks, dating from 1838 to the present, that produce the illusion of three dimensions. While 3D may seem to have a peripheral relationship to mainstream culture and traditional art history---catching our attention at "peak" moments and then disappearing again into obscurity---in fact it forms a continuous thread across modernity, taking many forms from the Industrial Revolution to today. This talk will explore the history of 3D with examples from the realms of art, science, and popular culture.