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11 am – 5 pm

Emerging Teens Program

Fall, Winter, and Spring After-School Classes

This program is for students aged 12 – 14 with a passion for art, a curiosity for learning in a museum environment, and a craving for new experiences with artists and peers. Mentored by an SBMA Teaching Artist, participants dive into the themes of a current exhibition and/or a featured artist during a session of six weekly classes. Students create art in a variety of mediums, showcase their resulting artwork, and lead activities connected to their discoveries at a culminating event.

During the 2024–25 academic year, fall classes will take place at the Museum from 4 pm to 5:45 pm, winter and spring classes will be held at the Ridley-Tree Education Center at McCormick House from 4 pm to 6 pm. There is a 12-student capacity per season and participants must commit to all classes and the culminating event date within each session. There is a 12-student capacity per season and participants must commit to all classes and the culminating event date within each session.

To be added to the e-teen email list for the 2025 Spring sessions please email