Member Shopping Night

Join us for our Annual Members Holiday Shopping Night at the Museum Store. 20% off purchases, free gift wrapping, entertainment, and refreshments.

Discover contemporary design objects and handcrafted items by local and nationally known artisans, fine art books, unique jewelry, and toys for all ages. Select the perfect gift from our exceptional collection of products.

Double Your Discount!
SBMA Members receive 20% discount (that’s an additional 10% savings) on all purchases at our annual Members Holiday Shopping Night. If you can’t make it that night, still enjoy 20% off during Double Discount Days from December 3 through 6.

This is a Member-only event.

Become a Member!

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Santa Barbara Art Museum

Museum Hours

Tues - Sun 11 am - 5 pm
1st Thursdays 11 am - 8 pm
Closed Mondays and holidays
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Visit Us

Santa Barbara Museum of Art
1130 State Street
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
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